Part 125: Low-Level Run - Chapter 7

Last time I was okay at ceremonies, got on a boat, killed Sephy's mom's arm, crossed a mountain, then went to a theme park. FF7 makes no fucking sense.

I could buy the lifetime ticket now but I need my money for Cosmo Canyon.


I wanted to pick a different person than Elentor. Turns out he picked Yuffie who I don't have.
So I take the experimental surgeon for variety's sake.

I like being able to say I know what plot relevant things are the first time they're brought up and be honest.

Anyway Ice-T joins us.

"My adrenaline's pumpin', I got my stereo bumpin'!"

I already took Ice-T's Silver Bangle and materia. Literally the first thing I did.

Except the Masamune is internally a gun and

I like this guy. He's to the point.

"Pigs deserve what's comin' for them!"

Barrel is good at dancing around bullets. Either that or Shinra troops are horrible shots. He can dance for hours.

Anyway I take Taft with me because I want to try and get her to avoid Dyne's EXP.

She's dead, and in the party. But she's level 6 and the minimum level for Taft is 7. I know it's futile.

Extreme Nihilism is a common occurance in FF games.


And that's why I stole so many Right Arms. They are powerful. Anyway Barrel gets full EXP and everyone else, Taft included, gets half.

I've never seen you before now

Even if I never use it I'm still getting the Ranch materia.

I have raced so many chocobos you lunatic you have no fucking clue

Still badass at it after all these years.

"Okay Aerated I heard those finger quotes from here. What can we actually go over?"

Behold, Taft as she will be for the rest of time. I'll make sure she never faces the scourge of